Update: The DTSA Receives Strong Support from Congress and the White House
The White House discussed how the DTSA would provide a “civil private cause of action for trade secret theft that would provide businesses with a more uniform, reliable, and predictable way to protect their valuable trade secrets anywhere in the country.” Currently, trade secret law is a matter of state law, which varies state-to-state. However, in our global economy, both the White House and Senate recognize the importance of affording trade secrets the same amount of uniform, federal protection as other forms of intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
The protection of American innovation and ingenuity often has the ability to abate political gridlock. The House of Representatives is now considering its version of the DTSA (H.R. 3326), with over 120 supporters. With such unified support, it would not be surprising to see the DTSA pass quickly into law.