Managing Business Needs During (and Beyond) a Pandemic
COVID-19 continues to present extraordinary and ever-changing challenges to companies. During the last several weeks, attorneys from Snell & Wilmer have presented on a range of topics concerning the continued impact on businesses. We invite you to join us for the next presentation in this series, where the discussion continues to focus on the ongoing impact, and issues business leaders may wish to consider as they evaluate reopening within a new business environment.
Topics for this presentation include:
- Common issues faced by employers while reopening or returning to work
- Newly established guidelines for the Paycheck Protection Program
- Changes to certain federal and state environmental enforcement policies
related to COVID-19 - Top ten issues for companies to be aware of during the election cycle
For more information on how to access this webinar, click here.
June 10th, 2020 from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
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