EVENT ALERT – Phoenix – The Feds are Coming? The Feds are Coming?

Dec 10, 2013

The safety of workers exposed to fall hazards in residential construction is under debate in Arizona and the outcome has yet to be decided. 

A bill was signed into Arizona law mandating that fall protection standards only need to be enforced by the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH) when workers are at heights of 15 feet or higher. The federal OSHA standard requires fall protection in residential construction at heights of six feet or more. The differences between these state and federal laws could lead to the Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration potentially asserting jurisdiction over safety and health in Arizona.

Join Snell & Wilmer partner Chuck Keller as he discusses this current debate and the possible outcome.

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December 10th, 2013 from 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM


400 East Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Charles P. Keller, P.C., Partner
Charles P. Keller, P.C.,
Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490