EVENT ALERT – Phoenix – REEF Seminar Series

Jan 12, 2011

How important are water rights in real estate development? Do you know how to secure the water rights necessary to successfully develop residential, commercial and industrial projects? Do you know how to accurately value water rights in real estate transactions?

Snell & Wilmer invites you to join us for the next program in the REEF* Seminar Series where partner William Staudenmaier will lead a panel discussion focused on helping you understand the value of water and offering insights on ways to find and secure the water rights necessary to support development in an ever-changing real estate market.  This panel will feature guest speakers Greg Bushner, Vice President, Water Resources Development for Vidler Water Company, Inc. and Charlie Havranek, a certified real estate appraiser specializing in large land parcels, agricultural lands and water rights.

Click here full list of topics and RSVP information.


January 12th, 2011 from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


One Arizona Center, 400 E. Van Buren Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

L. William Staudenmaier, Partner
L. William Staudenmaier,
Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490