EVENT ALERT – Phoenix – Intellectual Property Protection in China

Aug 24, 2011

While access to China's economy offers significant and obvious advantages, there are numerous unforeseen security-related issues that should be considered. These include espionage, information security threats, intellectual property protection, as well as personal security while traveling to China.

Join Snell & Wilmer’s Intellectual Property attorneys, along with representatives from Pinkerton Consulting & Investigation, as they discuss these issues and strategies that can help protect companies and their assets while conducting business with Chinese entities.

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August 24th, 2011 from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM


One Arizona Center, 400 E. Van Buren Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004

J. Damon Ashcraft, P.C., Partner
J. Damon Ashcraft, P.C.,
William F. Mulholland, II, P.C., Partner
William F. Mulholland, II, P.C.,
Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490