Emerging Business

EB News of the Week – 5/5/14

May 05, 2014
Brian J. Burt, Partner
Brian J. Burt,

* Frustration MK-CL999_SBJOBS_G_20140430170531Rises Over Crowdfunding Rules  [WallStreetJournal]

* Young Millionaire: Inside the Mind of Yahoo’s Teen Sensation Nick D’Aloisio  [Entrepreneur]

* 5 Best Kept Secrets About Venture Capital  [Inc]

* How This Startup Won Major Contracts With Big Companies  [Forbes]

* A Millennial Dad’s Strategies To Thrive At Home and the Office  [Entrepreneur]

Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490