Emerging Business

Emerging Business Seminar (Phoenix) – How To License Technology

Jan 20, 2014
Brian J. Burt, Partner
Brian J. Burt,
HowToLicenseTech_HEADER3You may be a business owner with a revolutionary, patented invention, but no capital (or desire) to build the expensive manufacturing and distribution infrastructure necessary to commercialize it.

Or you may run a company with a first-in-class manufacturing facility and a global distribution network, but no in-house innovation capabilities.

For these types of businesses, licensing can provide an efficient and cost-effective way to get products to market and mitigate risk along the way.

Snell & Wilmer invites you to the next program in the Emerging Business Seminar SeriesSM, where partner Brian J. Burt will discuss how to license technology and intellectual property.

Topics for this complimentary seminar will include:

Select this link to RSVP for this complimentary event.

Media Contact

Olivia Nguyen-Quang

Associate Director of Communications
media@swlaw.com 714.427.7490